The first hands-on training of its kind in Australia!

AI for Marketing

A practical step-by-step intensive training that teaches YOU how to boost your content marketing, social media, SEO strategy and digital campaigns.

Ever worried that AI could take your marketing job? It won’t as long as you jump onboard early enough and learn how to use AI to benefit your organisation. By attending this practical, insightful and intensive training session you will take your organisation and career to the next level, using the power of AI.

Everyone is talking about AI

It’s no secret that AI is the hottest marketing trend of 2023 and beyond and you simply cannot let others go ahead of you in knowing how to maximise its potential. Not only will our training allow you to keep up with the latest developments, it will also position you far ahead of your competitors. No one can afford to ignore the existence of AI and its impact on all marketing activities! Come and find out how to master the exciting tools AI offers and get the competitive advantage ahead of your rivals, before they try to do the same. In the fast-evolving world of AI – every day matters.

AI is not just ChatGPT

Don’t make a mistake and think of AI as just ChatGPT. Current generative AI technology is based on the GPT model and Chat is just one of many tools and solutions that are available for your marketing activities. In fact, there are about 200 new tools launched every week. With the pace of evolution it’s very easy to get lost in constant waves of new services. Our first-in-market training has analysed almost all of them for you and will only discuss those solutions which will make a concrete positive impact on your business. Before commencement of this training, we will analyse the company profiles of all attendees and will tailor the content to make sure that it is 100% is relevant to you!

So, if you:

  • work in a marketing department and want practical knowledge on how exactly AI can boost your marketing activities and immediately deliver higher ROIs
  • do not want to miss out on the biggest revolution in marketing since the launch of the internet itself
  • are concerned how AI will impact your job if you do not start using AI
  • feel overwhelmed by the amount of new tools that are created every week and are not sure exactly which of them are most relevant want to gain an immediate and measurable advantage in your market

this training is perfect for you. Don’t hesitate, and sign up now. Only limited seats available.

What can AI do?

You will likely have seen AI-generated images online that looked photo-realistic and you were probably led to believe they were taken by a professional photographer.

At the same time you may have not noticed how many times you came across AI-generated ads, campaigns and articles. AI can even generate whole websites that look amazing with no coding skills required. The capability of AI only gets better every day. Can you really afford to wait?

This fine art watercolour image was generated by AI within minutes. During the training we will show you how to create all types of images that you will need in your professional life. From photorealistic product images to exciting visualisations of your next high-profile project.

Thanks to AI you can even create full websites or apps without coding! AI is truly the next great digital revolution. Imagine the advantage of knowing how best to use Facebook for marketing in 2008, or how to maximise your impact on LinkedIn years before everyone else. This is the kind of advantage understanding AI in 2023 can offer.

What will you learn during the training?

First, we will give you the full overview of current state of AI. So, even if you currently know very little or nothing, we will make sure that your knowledge of the tools are comprehensive and well structured. After giving you this solid and fascinating base then we commence the practical session where everyone will be working on their laptops, following the trainer, and creating mind-blowing images, text and campaigns. You will be blown away by what you can create and the potential to use your unique skills and knowledge of your market in tandem with the most powerful creative tools ever invented. We will also teach you how to train AI!

We will also:

  • Explain the direct impact of AI on your marketing activities
  • Contact attendees before the training to gain a better understanding of their marketing operations and then tailor the content of the training to those needs
  • Give you unique tips & tricks that will put you ahead of your competitors
  • Do a live demo of selected tools, and based on the product example we will create mind-blowing marketing materials promoting your products and services
  • Give you a unique opportunity to test these solutions yourself – under the eye of the trainer

We will focus on:

  • Content and SEO
  • Social media campaigns
  • Idea generation
  • Image creation
  • Automation of workflows
  • Tools that generate higher ROI

After the training:

  • You will have well structured, valuable knowledge of AI that you will bring to your organisation and share
  • Your marketing will change and you will start using AI to accelerate ROI
  • You will be able to create ideas, content and images like never before
  • You will automate repetitive activities at work which will free up your time to focus on big picture wins
  • You will have a better understanding of the “AI language” which will allow you to get the tools to do exactly what you want them to do. You will be able to train AI to your own needs
  • You will gain access to marketing community that is using AI in their everyday work
  • You will receive a Digital Certificate together with LinkedIn endorsement (upon request).

Most people are stuck at the very basic level

We will show you how to go beyond that!

Who should attend this training?

  • Marketing staff at all levels – from CMOs to cadets – who want to significantly improve ROI from their activities
  • Everyone who wants to accelerate their careers with this valuable skillset
  • People who want to streamline their daily work
  • Anyone who doesn’t want to fall behind the development of current technology
  • Those who know that the time to seize the AI advantage is NOW

Limited seats available:

Sydney, Darling Harbour 30th June 2023 $699.00+GST ($1199.00) Tickets left at this price: 2


The workshops will approximately take place between 9:00-16:00 with a 1 hour break for light lunch in Sydney’s Darling Harbour. The venue will be announced at least 4 weeks prior to the workshops.

1. Strategy

  • Overview – explaining in practical terms what AI in marketing is and how it can be used in marketing departments
  • Industry-specific use cases – based on our interviews with attendees prior to the training, we will provide examples and case studies that highlight how AI is being used effectively in the sectors nominated by our participants.
  • Cost savings or productivity improvements – how to think of this emerging opportunity?
  • AI integration strategies – strategies for integrating AI into existing marketing departments and workflows. We will address considerations such as team collaboration, change management, and ensuring smooth adoption of AI technologies. You will learn practical tips and best practices for successfully integrating AI into your marketing operations, ensuring a seamless transition to this new toolset.
  • Data privacy and security – we will dive deeper into addressing privacy concerns when utilising AI in marketing, especially the handling of customer data, ensuring compliance with privacy regulations and maintaining data security. Participants will gain insights into safeguarding customer privacy while harnessing the power of AI in their marketing strategies.
  • Ethical considerations – how to use AI in harmony with your own and your organisation’s values. We will cover topics like bias detection and mitigation, fairness in algorithmic decision-making, and responsible AI practices. You will understand the importance of ethical AI use and gain practical guidance on implementing ethical frameworks within your marketing departments.
  • Why so many people fail and are stuck at a very basic level of AI interaction – we will go way beyond that. Not only will we show you how to efficiently use AI, but you will also be able to effectively train it to learn the specific requirements of your business!
  • Legal considerations of AI generated content and images – opportunities and risks.

2. Content

  • Understanding content strategy with AI – we will discuss the role of AI in shaping content strategy and explore how AI can assist in identifying target audience preferences, content trends, and undertaking competitor analysis. You will learn how to leverage AI tools in your content strategy decisions and create content that resonates with your target audience.
  • ChatGPT and other content creation tools – taking it step by step we will focus solely on highly effective tools that will accelerate your marketing efforts.
  • Prompts tips and tricks – how to better understand the AI model and create prompts that will accelerate your workflows.
  • Language of AI – how to communicate efficiently and use effective prompts, including case studies based on real life examples from selected participants.
  • How to generate ideas with AI and make sure they are good.
  • Content quality – how to make sure that the content created is well perceived by the audience and web crawlers.
  • AI detectors – understand how they work and whether they can limit its potential.
  • How to use AI to improve the SEO of your webservices – we will explore techniques for optimising content created with AI for search engines and improving overall SEO performance. We will also discuss strategies such as keyword research, semantic SEO, and content structure to enhance visibility and ranking in search results. You will learn how to align AI-generated content with SEO best practices to maximize organic reach and website traffic.

3. Graphics

  • UNIQUE WORKSHOP: Design Principles for AI-Generated Graphics – together we will explore design principles and best practices specific to AI-generated graphics and discuss elements such as colour theory, composition, typography, and visual hierarchy. You will learn how to apply these principles to enhance the aesthetics and impact of your AI-generated graphics.
  • A step-by-step guide on the use of Midjourney and other image generation tools
  • Deep understanding of commands and parameters – specifically for generating photography and art in AI. How to understand and became an “AI photographer”, who can always find the right AI “camera” and navigate its settings.
  • All attendees will create their own images with AI live during the session, aided by the trainer who will deliver individual instructions and advice.
  • Inspiration from other campaigns – how others used AI to generate images.
  • WORKSHOP – create a website with AI live during the session, no coding required! Together, we will create a website live, without any coding, using combined artificial intelligence tools.
  • Advanced Techniques for Image Editing with AI – we will explore features such as background removal, object manipulation, image enhancement, and style transfer. You will gain hands-on experience and learn how to leverage AI to create visually stunning and customised graphics.
  • Copyright and Intellectual Property Considerations – legal aspects, licensing requirements, and attribution guidelines to ensure compliance and ethical use of AI-generated graphics.

4. Increase sales and ROI

  • How to use AI to research markets and generate ideas for new, successful campaigns.
  • AI-Powered Personalisationdynamic content generation, recommendation systems, and personalised offers based on user behaviour and preferences. You will learn how to leverage AI to deliver targeted and customised marketing messages that resonate with individual customers.
  • Chatbots that can immediately improve sales on your websites – a step by step guide on how to implement automatic AI-driven sales bot, as well as how to train your bots.
  • Predictive Analytics and Performance Tracking – how can businesses leverage AI algorithms to analyse historical data, dentify trends, and make data-driven predictions for sales and revenue growth. You will understand how to utilize AI-powered tools to optimise pricing, inventory management, and sales forecasting, as well as to measure sales performance, identify opportunities for improvement, and make data-backed decisions.
  • Customer segmentation with using AI – deliver your advertising message exclusively to the appropriate individuals and businesses. How to use AI to improve sales processes.
  • Elements of API – how to inject artificial intelligence to your organisation natively.
  • Measuring ROI and Attribution with AI – AI-powered attribution models that enable better understanding of the effectiveness of various marketing channels and campaigns. You will gain insights into AI-driven analytics tools that can accurately measure and attribute ROI, providing valuable insights for optimising marketing spend.

5. Q&A, Discussion, Tips and Tricks

  • Addressing Specific Use Cases – you will be able to ask questions about your specific industry or business use cases and how AI can be applied to solve your unique challenges. We will contact participants before the training in order to have a better understanding of your industry and individual use cases.
  • Overcoming Implementation Challenges – questions related to the practical implementation of AI technologies in marketing. You will have a better understanding on overcoming implementation hurdles, integrating AI into existing systems, and ensuring successful adoption within your organisation.
  • Ethical Considerations in AI Marketing – we will discuss issues related to data privacy, algorithmic bias, and transparency in AI-powered marketing campaigns.
  • Future Trends and Innovations – we will exchange views on the impact of deep learning, natural language processing, computer vision, and other AI technologies on the future of marketing. Together we will explore how to stay ahead of the curve and prepare for upcoming AI-driven marketing innovations.
  • Practical Tips and Tricks

About Us

Digital Nation Australia reports on the business impact of transformation for C-suite executives, and for their direct reports who are primarily responsible for transforming or developing their businesses. While C-Suite technology executives such as CIOs, CTOs, CISOs and CDOs remain critically important in the purchasing life of technology, they are only part of the story. These days technology is a complex buying ecosystem in which business leaders across disciplines as diverse as marketing, HR, analytics, operations and sales are the project owners with ultimate accountability in their organisations to the business outcomes which technology delivers. Digital Nation's coverage is video-led and designed to enable the drivers of transformation to tell their own stories.

MARKETING-INTERACTIVE is Asia’s leading source of advertising, marketing and media intelligence reaching out to CMOs across Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand. Credible, fiercely independent, and always first with industry-breaking news, our magazines and daily e-news reach out to more advertising and marketing professionals across Asia than any other publication. Marketing Interactive’s conferences include, but not limit to Digital Marketing Asia, Content360 and PR Asia. The “AI for Marketing” training will also be launched in Singapore and Hong Kong later this year.

Nextmedia is the #1 special interest digital and print media publisher in Australia, and has become the fourth largest magazine publishing group overall. Nextmedia publishes over 30 leading special interest publications, as well as websites, forums, digital properties and events. The titles include ITNews Australia, ITNews Asia, Channel Reseller News, frankie, ABC Gardening Australia, Inside Sport, Golf Australia, Tracks, Australian Muscle Car, Healthy Food Guide, and a range of kids’ titles.


Want to know more? Who wouldn’t! Take a look at our FAQ guide below for the details…

We are introducing a tiered sales structure similar to what you would see when booking flights. The earlier you book, the cheaper the ticket is. We have 10 tickets in each price bracket, with the regular price being $1,199. This includes access to the entire day’s program of intensive training. Your ticket will also include tea, coffee and a light lunch.
Yes. Tickets will be refunded if the event is cancelled due to government restrictions, or border closures. 
Yes – if you are unable to attend but a colleague can, please just let us know the change of name here so we can have the correct name badge ready.
Yes, for more than 3 people, discounts will apply. Please fill out the contact form to get your group discount coupon.

Contact us and ask about more details

Arek Widawski

This is a rare opportunity to be trained by Arek Widawski, the AI Transformation Officer of Forum Media Group globally, CEO of nextmedia, Australia and a Board Member of Lighthouse Independent Media, Singapore and Hong Kong. Widawski is also the founder of Online Marketing Polska, a digital marketer with over 15 years of practical experience. His expertise spans launching multiple brands across markets on three different continents. Although public trainings by Widawski are infrequent, when they do occur, they're highly esteemed for their practicality, clear explanations, and special attention to results.